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Class Documentation: x_class_referer


The x_class_referer class is designed to manage and track referer URLs for websites. It interacts with a MySQL database to store and update information about incoming traffic, including the referer URL, site URL, and associated metadata.

  • URL Preparation: The method prepareUrl() is used internally to clean up the referer URL by removing query parameters, protocols (http://, https://), and www. prefix.
  • Database Table: The create_table() method ensures the database table structure is set up with columns for referer URL, site URL, hit count, and metadata.

The class assumes that the x_class_mysql class handles errors related to database operations. Ensure that appropriate error handling is implemented in the x_class_mysql class.


PHP Modules

  • MySQLi: Required for database interactions.
  • PDO: Optional, depending on how database interactions are handled.
  • URL Functions: Built-in PHP functions like parse_url.

External Classes

  • x_class_mysql: Expected to handle MySQL operations such as querying, updating, and checking table existence.

Table Structure

This section describes the table structure used by the Referer class to log referer information. The table is automatically created by the class if needed. Below is a summary of the columns and keys used in the table, along with their purposes.

Column Name Data Type Attributes Description
id int(10) NOT NULL, AUTO_INCREMENT, PRIMARY KEY A unique identifier for each referer log entry, ensuring that each record can be individually tracked.
full_url varchar(256) NOT NULL, DEFAULT '0' Stores the full URL of the referer, identifying the source of the traffic.
site_url varchar(256) NOT NULL, DEFAULT '0' Contains the URL of the site where the referer is located, providing context to the referer.
hits int(10) NOT NULL, DEFAULT '0' Records the number of hits or visits from the referer URL, useful for tracking traffic volume.
section varchar(128) NOT NULL, DEFAULT '' For Multi Site Purposes to split database data in categories.
creation datetime DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Captures the date and time when the referer log entry was created. Automatically set upon insertion.
modification datetime DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Logs the date and time of the last modification to the entry. Automatically updated on changes.
Key Name Key Type Columns Usage
PRIMARY KEY Primary id Ensures that each referer log entry is uniquely identifiable.
x_class_referer Unique full_url, section, site_url Ensures that each combination of full_url, section, and site_url is unique, preventing duplicate entries for the same referer.

Method Library

Method Description
__construct($mysql, $table, $refurlnowww) Constructor to initialize the class. Requires an instance of the MySQL class, the table name, and the referer URL.
enabled($bool = true) Sets whether the referer tracking is enabled.
get_array() Retrieves all records from the database table as an associative array.
execute($section = "") Processes the current HTTP referer and updates the database with the referer URL information.

Method Details


Parameter Type Description
$mysql Object An instance of the MySQL class for database operations.
$table String The name of the MySQL table to use.
$refurlnowww String The URL to exclude from tracking.

Initializes the class with the given MySQL instance, table name, and referer URL. It also checks if the table exists and creates it if necessary.


Parameter Type Default Description
$bool Bool true Whether referer tracking is enabled or disabled.

Enables or disables the referer tracking based on the boolean value provided.


Return Type Description
Array An associative array containing all rows from the database table.

Fetches all records from the MySQL table as an associative array.


Parameter Type Default Description
$section String "" The section to categorize the referer URL.

Processes the current HTTP referer. If the referer is not the same as the excluded URL and not empty, it updates the hit count or inserts a new record into the database. It also checks if the referer URL contains query parameters and cleans it before storing.

Return Value:
Returns true upon successful execution.