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Class Documentation: x_class_perm


The x_class_perm class provides a comprehensive system for managing permissions associated with references in a database. It supports creating tables, retrieving, adding, and removing permissions for specific references.


PHP Modules

Module Description
mysqli PHP extension for MySQL database interaction.

External Classes

Class Description
x_class_mysql Custom class or wrapper for MySQL database operations (assumed).
x_class_perm_item Custom class for managing permissions at a reference level (assumed).

Table Structure

This section describes the table structure used by the Permissions class to store permissions for various objects. The table is automatically created by the class if required for its functionality. Below is a summary of the columns and keys used in the table, along with their purposes.

Column Name Data Type Attributes Description
id int(10) NOT NULL, AUTO_INCREMENT, PRIMARY KEY A unique identifier for each permission entry, ensuring that each record can be individually tracked.
ref int(10) NOT NULL A reference number associated with the permission, used to link the permission to a specific object or entity.
content text NOT NULL Contains the permission data in serialized or structured format, defining the access rights.
section varchar(128) DEFAULT NULL For Multi Site Purposes to split database data in categories.
creation datetime DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP The timestamp when the permission entry was created. Automatically set upon insertion.
modification datetime DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP The timestamp of the last modification to the permission entry. Automatically updated on changes.
Key Name Key Type Columns Usage
PRIMARY KEY Primary id Ensures that each permission entry is uniquely identifiable.
x_class_perm Unique ref, section Ensures that each combination of reference and section is unique, preventing duplicate permissions for the same section.

Class Usage


Initializes an instance of the x_class_perm class and creates the table if it does not exist.

Parameter Type Description
$mysql object An instance of the MySQL class used for database operations.
$tablename string The name of the table where permissions are stored.
$section string Optional section identifier for permissions. Default is an empty string.


Creates the permissions table if it does not exist.

Parameter Type Description
None - Creates a table with columns for ID, reference, content, section, creation, and modification timestamps.


Retrieves permissions for a specific reference.

Parameter Type Description
$ref int The reference identifier to get permissions for.

Returns: array - An array of permissions associated with the reference.


Checks if a specific permission is assigned to a reference.

Parameter Type Description
$ref int The reference identifier to check permissions for.
$permname string The name of the permission to check.

Returns: bool - true if the permission exists, false otherwise.


Adds a new permission to a reference.

Parameter Type Description
$ref int The reference identifier to add a permission to.
$permname string The name of the permission to add.

Returns: bool - Always returns true if the operation is successful.


Checks if a reference has multiple permissions.

Parameter Type Description
$ref int The reference identifier to check permissions for.
$array array Array of permission names to check.
$or bool Optional. If true, checks if any permission matches; if false, checks if all match. Default is false.

Returns: bool - true if the condition is met based on the $or parameter.


Sets permissions for a specific reference.

Parameter Type Description
$ref int The reference identifier to set permissions for.
$array array The array of permissions to set.

Returns: bool - true if the operation is successful.


Removes a specific permission from a reference.

Parameter Type Description
$ref int The reference identifier to remove a permission from.
$permname string The name of the permission to remove.

Returns: bool - true if the operation is successful.


Removes all permissions for a specific reference.

Parameter Type Description
$ref int The reference identifier to remove all permissions for.

Returns: bool - true if the operation is successful.


Deletes a reference and its associated permissions from the table.

Parameter Type Description
$ref int The reference identifier to delete from the table.

Returns: bool - true if the operation is successful.


Gets an instance of x_class_perm_item for a specific reference.

Parameter Type Description
$ref int The reference identifier for which to get an item.

Returns: x_class_perm_item - An instance of the x_class_perm_item class with permissions for the specified reference.