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Class Documentation: x_class_perm_item


The x_class_perm_item class provides functionality for managing permissions associated with a reference in a database table. It supports operations such as adding, removing, checking permissions, and managing the permissions of a specific reference.


PHP Modules

Module/Class Description
mysqli PHP extension for MySQL database interaction.

External Classes

Module/Class Description
x_class_mysql Custom class or wrapper for MySQL database operations (assumed).

Class Usage


Initializes an instance of the x_class_perm_item class.

Parameter Type Description
$mysql object An instance of the MySQL class used for database operations.
$tablename string The name of the table where permissions are stored.
$section string The section identifier for permissions.
$ref string The reference identifier for which permissions are managed.
$permissions array Optional array of initial permissions. Default is an empty array.


Updates the local permissions array by fetching data from the database.

Parameter Type Description
None - Fetches permissions from the database and updates the local permissions array.


Checks if a specific permission is present in the current permissions.

Parameter Type Description
$permname string The name of the permission to check.

Returns: bool - true if the permission exists, false otherwise.


Adds a new permission to the current set of permissions.

Parameter Type Description
$permname string The name of the permission to add.

Returns: bool - Always returns true if the operation is successful.


Checks if the current permissions satisfy a set of conditions.

Parameter Type Description
$array array Array of permission names to check.
$or bool Optional. If true, checks if any permission matches; if false, checks if all match. Default is false.

Returns: bool - true if the condition is met based on the $or parameter.


Removes a specific permission from the current set of permissions.

Parameter Type Description
$permname string The name of the permission to remove.

Returns: bool - true if the operation is successful.


Updates or inserts permissions for the reference in the database.

Parameter Type Description
$ref string The reference identifier.
$array array The array of permissions to set.

Returns: bool - true if the operation is successful.


Removes all permissions associated with the reference.

Parameter Type Description
None - Removes all permissions for the current reference.

Returns: bool - true if the operation is successful.


Deletes the reference and its associated permissions from the database.

Parameter Type Description
None - Deletes the record for the current reference.

Returns: bool - true if the operation is successful.