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Class Documentation: x_class_mail_template


The x_class_mail_template class provides a powerful interface for managing email templates in PHP applications. It allows you to set up, modify, retrieve, and delete email templates stored in a MySQL database. Templates can be customized with content substitutions and dynamically generated, making it highly adaptable for various scenarios such as newsletters, notifications, and other email-based communications.

  • Substitutions: The class uses an internal array to manage substitutions. These are key-value pairs where the keys represent placeholders within the template content that should be replaced by specific values when generating the email.
  • Table Management: The class automatically creates the required table if it doesn’t exist, making it easier to integrate into new environments without requiring additional setup.


PHP Modules

  • MySQLi: Required for database operations.

External Classes

  • x_class_mysql (MySQL Database Connection Class): The class expects a MySQL connection object that provides methods like select, query, and table_exists.

Table Structure

This section describes the table structure used by the Mail Template class to store email templates. The table is automatically created by the class if necessary for its functionality. Below is a summary of the columns and keys used in the table, along with their purposes.

Column Name Data Type Attributes Description
id int(10) NOT NULL, AUTO_INCREMENT, PRIMARY KEY A unique identifier for each email template, ensuring that each template is individually trackable.
name varchar(256) NOT NULL The name or identifier of the template.
subject text NULL The subject line for the email template, providing context for the email.
description text NULL A description of the template's purpose or content, useful for understanding the template's use case.
content text DEFAULT NULL The main content of the email template, including the body of the email.
section varchar(128) DEFAULT NULL For Multi Site Purposes to split database data in categories.
creation datetime DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP The timestamp when the template was created. Automatically set upon insertion.
modification datetime DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP The timestamp of the last modification to the template. Automatically updated on changes.
Key Name Key Type Columns Usage
PRIMARY KEY Primary id Ensures that each email template is uniquely identifiable.
x_class_mail_template Unique name, section Ensures that each combination of template name and section is unique, preventing duplicate entries for the same section.

Class Usage

Method/Variable Description Parameters Return Type
$x_class_mysql Stores the x_class_mysql object. N/A Object
$table Stores the name of the table used for storing templates. N/A String
$section Section associated with templates, allowing categorization. N/A String
set_header Sets the header for the email content. string $header: Header content. void
set_footer Sets the footer for the email content. string $footer: Footer content. void
set_content Sets the email body content along with the subject. string $content: Main content of the email.
string $subject: Email subject.
set_template Loads a template from the database using the name and section. string $name: Template name. bool
create_table Creates the table structure for storing email templates if it doesn’t already exist. N/A void
reset_substitution Resets all stored substitutions for template content. N/A void
add_substitution Adds a substitution pair for replacing placeholders in the content. string $name: Placeholder text.
string $replace: Replacement text.
do_substitute Applies the substitutions to a given text. string $text: The content to process. string
get_content Retrieves the email content with optional substitution applied. bool $substitute (optional): Whether to apply substitutions. Default is false. string
get_subject Retrieves the email subject with optional substitution applied. bool $substitute (optional): Whether to apply substitutions. Default is false. string
setup Sets up a new template or overwrites an existing one. string $name: Template name.
string $subject: Subject.
string $content: Main content.
string $description (optional): Description.
bool $overwrite (optional): Whether to overwrite an existing template.
mixed (insert ID or void)
change Modifies an existing template by ID. int $id: Template ID.
string $name: New name.
string $subject: New subject.
string $content: New content.
string $description (optional): New description.
name_exists Checks if a template with a specific name exists in the current section. string $name: Name of the template. bool
get_name_by_id Retrieves the name of a template based on its ID. int $id: Template ID. string|bool
id_exists Checks if a template with a specific ID exists in the current section. int $id: Template ID. bool
id_delete Deletes a template based on its ID. int $id: Template ID. bool
get_full Retrieves all details of a template based on its ID. int $id: Template ID. array|bool

Return Values

  • Functions that check for the existence of templates (name_exists, id_exists, etc.) return a boolean indicating success or failure.
  • Functions like setup and change can return mixed values, such as insert IDs or boolean, depending on the context.