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Class Documentation: x_class_crypt


The x_class_crypt class provides encryption and decryption methods using the AES-256-CBC algorithm by default. It allows for secure data handling by encrypting and decrypting data with a specified key.


PHP Modules

  • openssl (for encryption and decryption)

External Classes

  • None

Class Methods


Initializes the x_class_crypt object and sets the encryption algorithm. The default algorithm is AES-256-CBC.

Parameter Type Description
algo string The encryption algorithm to use (e.g., 'aes-256-cbc'). Default is 'aes-256-cbc'.

- void


Encrypts the provided data using the specified encryption key and algorithm. Returns the encrypted data encoded in Base64.

Parameter Type Description
data string The data to be encrypted.
key string The encryption key, Base64 encoded.

- string - The encrypted data, Base64 encoded, with an appended initialization vector (IV).


Decrypts the provided data using the specified encryption key and algorithm. Returns the decrypted data.

Parameter Type Description
data string The encrypted data, Base64 encoded, with an appended IV.
key string The decryption key, Base64 encoded.

- string - The decrypted data.

Method Examples


Initializes the x_class_crypt instance with a specified encryption algorithm.

Example Usage:

$crypt = new x_class_crypt(); // Uses default 'aes-256-cbc' algorithm
$crypt = new x_class_crypt('aes-128-cbc'); // Uses 'aes-128-cbc' algorithm


Encrypts data with the specified key and algorithm, returning it in a Base64 encoded format.

Example Usage:

$crypt = new x_class_crypt();
$key = base64_encode('your-secret-key'); // Ensure key is Base64 encoded
$data = 'Sensitive data';
$encrypted = $crypt->encrypt($data, $key);
echo $encrypted;


Decrypts Base64 encoded encrypted data using the specified key and algorithm.

Example Usage:

$crypt = new x_class_crypt();
$key = base64_encode('your-secret-key'); // Ensure key is Base64 encoded
$decrypted = $crypt->decrypt($encrypted, $key);
echo $decrypted;