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Class Documentation: x_class_mail


The x_class_mail class provides an interface for sending emails using the PHPMailer library. It offers various configuration options and logging capabilities to manage email sending effectively. This class allows you to set up SMTP details, manage email content, handle attachments, and log email activities to a database.


To use the x_class_mail class, ensure the following PHP modules and external classes are available:

x_class_mail_phpmailer: The PHPMailer library is required for sending emails.
- Install via Composer: composer require phpmailer/phpmailer
x_class_mysql: Required for logging email activities if enabled.

Table Structure

This section describes the table structure used by the mail class to log email sending activities, including both successful and failed attempts. The table is automatically created by the class if required for its functionality. Below is a summary of the columns and keys used in the table, along with their purposes.

Column Name Data Type Attributes Description
id int(10) NOT NULL, AUTO_INCREMENT, PRIMARY KEY A unique identifier for each email log entry, ensuring that each record can be individually tracked.
receiver text DEFAULT NULL Stores the serialized list of email recipients.
bcc text DEFAULT NULL Stores the serialized list of BCC (blind carbon copy) recipients.
cc text DEFAULT NULL Stores the serialized list of CC (carbon copy) recipients.
attach text DEFAULT NULL Contains the serialized list of attachments sent with the email.
subject varchar(512) DEFAULT NULL The subject line of the email.
msgtext text The main body text of the email.
creation datetime DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP The timestamp when the email log entry was created. Automatically set when the record is added.
success tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL Indicates the result of the email sending attempt: 1 for success, 0 for failure, or NULL if not set.
debugmsg text Contains any debug messages related to the email sending process, useful for troubleshooting.
section varchar(128) DEFAULT NULL For Multi Site Purposes to split database data in categories.
Key Name Key Type Columns Usage
PRIMARY KEY Primary id Ensures that each email log entry is uniquely identifiable.

Class Usage


Method Parameters Description
__construct host (string), port (int, default 25), auth_type (string, default false), user (string, default false), pass (string, default false), from_mail (string, default false), from_name (string, default false) Initializes the mail settings including SMTP configuration and default sender information.

Public Methods

Method Parameters Description
keep_alive bool (default false) Set whether to keep the SMTP connection alive.
encoding encode (string, default 'base64') Set the encoding type for the email.
charset charset (string, default 'UTF-8') Set the character set for the email.
allow_insecure_ssl_connections bool (default false) Allow insecure SSL connections.
smtpdebuglevel int (default 0) Set the SMTP debug level (0 - no debugging, 1 - client/server communication, 2 - server responses, 3 - detailed debugging).
all_default_html bool (default false) Set whether all emails should default to HTML format.
change_default_template header (string), footer (string) Set default header and footer templates for emails.
initFrom mail (string), name (string, default false) Initialize the default 'From' address and name.
initReplyTo mail (string), name (string, default false) Initialize the default 'Reply-To' address and name.
test_mode val (string or bool) Set the test mode to a specific email address or disable it.
log_disable - Disable logging of email activities.
log_enable - Enable logging of email activities.
logging connection (x_class_mysql object), table (string), log_success_mail (bool, default false), section (string, default "") Configure and enable logging of email activities.
last_info - Retrieve the last recorded information or error message from the last email operation.
send to (string or array), toname (string), title (string), mailContent (string), ishtml (bool, default false), FOOTER (string, default false), HEADER (string, default false), attachments (string or array, default false) Send an email with specified parameters including recipients, content, attachments, and optional HTML formatting.
mail subject (string), content (string), receiver (array), cc (array), bcc (array), attachment (array), settings (array, default empty array) Send an email using the provided settings and parameters, allowing for advanced configuration and overriding of default settings.
object - Create and return a new instance of x_class_mail_item, allowing further adjustments and sending of emails.

Private Methods

Method Parameters Description
log_execute subject (string), content (string), receiver (array), attachments (array), cc (array), bcc (array), success (bool), debug_message (string), settings (array) Log the details of the email operation to the database if logging is enabled.
create_table - Create the logging table in the database if it does not already exist.

Details about Transmission Methods

send Method

The send method in the x_class_mail class is used to send an email with specified parameters. It utilizes PHPMailer for sending emails and includes options for handling attachments, HTML content, and default templates.

Method Signature

public function send(
    $ishtml = false, 
    $FOOTER = false, 
    $HEADER = false, 
    $attachments = false


Parameter Type Description
$to string or array The recipient's email address. If an array, it should contain multiple recipient email addresses.
$toname string The name of the recipient.
$title string The subject line of the email.
$mailContent string The body content of the email.
$ishtml bool Indicates whether the email content is in HTML format. Defaults to false (plain text).
$FOOTER string or bool Optional footer to append to the email content. If false, the class's default footer will be used.
$HEADER string or bool Optional header to prepend to the email content. If false, the class's default header will be used.
$attachments string, array, or bool Path(s) to file attachments. Can be a single path (string) or an array of paths. If false, no attachments are added.


  1. PHPMailer Initialization:
  2. Creates a new instance of PHPMailer.
  3. Configures SMTP settings using the class properties.

  4. SMTP Configuration:

  5. Sets the SMTP server details (Host, SMTPAuth, Username, Password, SMTPSecure, Port).
  6. Configures additional options like keeping the SMTP connection alive and setting debug levels.

  7. HTML Content Handling:

  8. Checks if $ishtml is false and $this->html is true. If so, it sets the email to be sent as HTML.
  9. Uses $ishtml to decide if the email content is in HTML format or plain text.

  10. Insecure Connection Handling:

  11. If insecure SSL connections are allowed ($this->allow_insecure_connection), it configures SMTP options to ignore SSL certificate verification.

  12. Setting Sender and Reply-To:

  13. Sets the 'From' address and name using setFrom().
  14. Sets the 'Reply-To' address and name using addReplyTo().

  15. Recipient and Address Handling:

  16. If $this->test_mode is set, it adds a test email address.
  17. Adds recipients to the email using addAddress(). Handles both single and multiple recipients.

  18. Attachment Handling:

  19. Adds attachments if $attachments is provided. Supports both single and multiple attachments.

  20. Email Content Preparation:

  21. Prepares the email body by combining the $HEADER, $mailContent, and $FOOTER.
  22. Sets the email body using Body.

  23. Sending the Email:

  24. Attempts to send the email using send().
  25. Logs the outcome and updates the last information if logging is enabled.

Return Value

  • Returns true if the email is successfully sent.
  • Returns false if there is an error sending the email.

mail Method

The mail method provides more advanced email sending capabilities with the option to override default settings using a configuration array.

Method Signature

public function mail(
    $settings = array()


Parameter Type Description
$subject string The subject line of the email.
$content string The body content of the email.
$receiver array Recipients of the email. Format: array(array(email, name), ...).
$cc array CC recipients. Format: array(array(email, name), ...).
$bcc array BCC recipients. Format: array(array(email, name), ...).
$attachment array Attachments. Format: array(array(path, name), ...) or array(path, ...).
$settings array Configuration array to override default settings.


  1. PHPMailer Initialization:
  2. Creates a new instance of PHPMailer.
  3. Configures SMTP settings based on the provided settings or defaults.

  4. SMTP Configuration:

  5. Overrides default SMTP settings if specified in $settings.

  6. HTML Content Handling:

  7. Configures HTML format based on $settings or defaults.

  8. Insecure Connection Handling:

  9. Configures SMTP options for insecure SSL connections based on $settings.

  10. Setting Sender and Reply-To:

  11. Sets 'From' address and name using setFrom() from $settings or defaults.
  12. Sets 'Reply-To' address and name using addReplyTo() from $settings or defaults.

  13. Recipient and Address Handling:

  14. Adds recipients to the email using addAddress(), addCC(), and addBCC().

  15. Attachment Handling:

  16. Adds attachments using addAttachment() from $settings.

  17. Email Content Preparation:

  18. Prepares the email body by combining the $HEADER, $content, and $FOOTER from $settings.

  19. Sending the Email:

  20. Attempts to send the email using send().
  21. Logs the outcome and updates the last information if logging is enabled.

Return Value

  • Returns true if the email is successfully sent.
  • Returns false if there is an error sending the email.


  • send Method: A straightforward method for sending emails with specific parameters and default settings. Ideal for most common email-sending scenarios.
  • mail Method: Provides advanced email-sending capabilities with customizable settings through a configuration array. Useful for scenarios requiring detailed customization or different settings for individual emails.

Both methods leverage PHPMailer for email sending and include robust handling for various email features, ensuring flexibility and control over email dispatching.