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Class Documentation: x_class_curl


The x_class_curl class is designed to facilitate various types of HTTP requests, including file downloads and uploads, while optionally logging requests and responses to a database. It provides a straightforward interface for making GET, POST, or custom requests and converting between XML and JSON formats.

  1. Logging: The class supports logging, which can be enabled using the logging() method. The log data is stored in a specified MySQL table. Ensure the MySQL table exists, or the class will automatically create it.
  2. Curl Settings: The settings array passed to the request(), download(), and upload() methods allows customization of the curl request by using CURLOPT_* options.

The x_class_curl class provides several methods to make HTTP requests, log interactions, and convert data formats. Below is a detailed explanation of each method and its parameters.


PHP Modules

  • curl (to execute HTTP requests)
  • json (for JSON conversions)
  • simplexml (for XML conversions)

External Classes

  • x_class_mysql class.

Table Structure

This section describes the table structure that the cURL class will automatically create to log HTTP requests made using cURL. The table is designed to store detailed information about each request, such as the URL, request type, and response data. Below is an overview of the columns and keys used in the table, along with their intended purpose.

Column Name Data Type Attributes Description
id int(10) NOT NULL, AUTO_INCREMENT, PRIMARY KEY A unique identifier for each logged request.
url text The remote URL to which the cURL request was made.
request varchar(64) The type of request or function name used (e.g., GET, POST, PUT).
filename text The filename involved if the request was related to file uploads.
settings text The configuration settings or parameters used for the cURL request.
output text The response or output returned by the cURL request.
section varchar(128) DEFAULT '' For Multi Site Purposes to split database data in categories.
type varchar(64) The type of cURL request made, providing further context (e.g., API, File Transfer).
creation datetime DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP The timestamp when the request was logged, automatically set when the record is created.
Key Name Key Type Columns Usage
PRIMARY KEY Primary id Ensures that each log entry is uniquely identifiable.

Class Usage

Methods Library

Method Parameters Description Return Value
logging mysql, logging, logging_settings, logging_table, section Configures logging for requests. Initializes the logging table if it doesn’t exist. void
request url, request = "GET", settings = array() Executes an HTTP request to the specified URL using the specified method (GET, POST, etc.). string (response)
download remote, local, request = "GET", settings = array() Downloads a file from the specified remote URL to the local file system. string (response)
upload remote, local, request = "POST", settings = array() Uploads a file from the local file system to the specified remote URL. string (response)
xml_to_array xml Converts an XML string to a PHP associative array. array
xml_to_json xml Converts an XML string to a JSON string. string (JSON)
json_to_array json Converts a JSON string to a PHP associative array. array
json_to_xml json Converts a JSON string to an XML string. string (XML)
array_to_xml array Converts a PHP associative array to an XML string. string (XML)
array_to_json array Converts a PHP associative array to a JSON string. string (JSON)

Method Details


Configures logging for the requests made using this class.

Parameter Type Description
mysql object MySQL connection object.
logging bool Enable or disable logging.
logging_settings bool Determines if the request settings should be logged.
logging_table string Name of the MySQL table where logs are stored.
section string Optional. A string identifier for the section of the application related to the request.


Executes an HTTP request and returns the response.

Parameter Type Description
url string The URL to which the request is made.
request string The HTTP request method (default is GET).
settings array Optional. An associative array of additional curl options (CURLOPT_*) to customize the request.

Returns: The response from the server as a string.


Downloads a file from a remote server to a local path.

Parameter Type Description
remote string The URL of the remote file to be downloaded.
local string The local path where the file should be saved.
request string The HTTP request method (default is GET).
settings array Optional. An associative array of additional curl options (CURLOPT_*) to customize the request.

Returns: The response from the server as a string.


Uploads a local file to a remote server.

Parameter Type Description
remote string The URL where the file should be uploaded.
local string The local path of the file to be uploaded.
request string The HTTP request method (default is POST).
settings array Optional. An associative array of additional curl options (CURLOPT_*) to customize the request.

Returns: The response from the server as a string.

Conversion Methods

These methods convert between XML, JSON, and PHP associative arrays:

  • xml_to_array($xml): Converts XML to an array.
  • xml_to_json($xml): Converts XML to JSON.
  • json_to_array($json): Converts JSON to an array.
  • json_to_xml($json): Converts JSON to XML.
  • array_to_xml($array): Converts an array to XML.
  • array_to_json($array): Converts an array to JSON.