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Software Modules

General Information

This example module demonstrates the functioning of Software Module extensions within this CMS. It includes readme files explaining the use of various folders and provides a skeleton template for creating your own software modules.

Folder Structure

Preview images for the file.

├── ... (Content you may add)
├── index.php (Prevent Directory Listing)
├── (Readme file with Folder Informations)

Language Translations for Multilangual Store Deployment (Only if you want to deploy multi langual descriptions and names for the store on deployment.)

├── de.php (Translation File for German)
├── en.php (Translation File for English)
├── es.php (Translation File for Spanish)
├── fr.php (Translation File for French)
├── it.php (Translation File for Italian)
├── ja.php (Translation File for Japanese)
├── zh.php (Translation File for Chinese)
├── ... (Other language Files you may add)
├── index.php (Prevent Directory Listing)
├── (Readme file with Folder Informations)

Store your external licenses in this folder!

├── example.lic (Example License File)
├── .. (Store your other License files here.)
├── index.php (Prevent Directory Listing)
├── (Readme file with Folder Informations)

Files in the extensions root directory.

├── changelog.php (Changelog info)
├── index.php (Prevent Directory Listing)
├── (Extensions License)
└── preview.jpg (Preview image)
├── (Extensions Readme)
├── version.php (Versioning info)
├── ... (Your software code and packages...)