Functions Overview
Function Name | Description |
m_month_num_to_name($number) |
Return Month Name or Error if Wrong (input number 1-12 to get German month name) |
m_isset($var) |
If var is Empty or "" then false |
m_login_name_from_id($db, $userid) |
Get the current name of User by UserID, if error then false |
m_login_id($db, $tmp = false) |
Get the current rowID of logged in User, if error then false |
Function Name | Description |
m_button_sql($db, $name, $url, $query, $get, $break = false, $style = "") |
Add a Button to Execute a Simple SQL! $msgerr = "Fehler!", $msgok = "Erfolgreich!" Function |
m_button_link($name, $url, $break = false, $style, $reacttourl = true) |
Add a Default Button Linked to another Page |
Function Name | Description |
m_table_simple($title, $array, $titlelist, $tableid, $alignarray = false, $imgeforlist = 'generic') |
Print a Simple Table |
m_table_complex($title, $array, $titlelist, $formid = "", $alignarray = false, $imgeforlist = "generic") |
Print a Complex Table with Search |
Function Name | Description |
m_db_rowsbycleanresult($db, $sql_res) |
Get Array by providing a finished result |
m_db_row($db, $query) |
Get a Single Array with $array["fieldname"] = $value back |
m_db_row_insert($db, $table, $array, $filter = true) |
Insert into a Database with array ["fieldname"] = $value |
m_db_rows($db, $query) |
Get a Multiple Array with $arrayCOUNT = $value back |
Function Name | Description |
__construct($db, $tabletitle, $tableid = "") |
Initialize with Dolibarr DB Object, Table Title, and optional unique id |
addColumn($field_name, $view_name, $style = "", $enabled = true, $search = true, $sort = true, $sqlexec = false, $orderexec = false) |
Add a column with various attributes like field name, view name, and optional SQL execution details |
init($query, $default_limit = 50, $default_sort_order = "DESC", $default_sort_field = "rowid", $default_page = 1, $conf_paramsadd = "") |
Initialize table with SQL query, default settings for limit, sort order, and page |
prepareArray() |
Returns Array with fetched data from pre-used functions |
printTable($array, $tableimage = "", $cursiteurl = false, $hidelimit = 0, $hidetools = 0, $morecss = "", $nosuggestlstofpages = 1, $extraparam = array()) |
Print a table with various display options and extra parameters |
Data Triggers
Function | Description |
d_get_change($db, $refid, $ref, $fieldname) |
Get Array with x[from] and x[to] , or false if error. This function checks changes for a specific database field. Parameters: Db - Dolibarr DB object $refid - ID of the current object $ref - Table element $fieldname - Database field name to check |
d_is_change($db, $refid, $ref, $fieldname) |
Returns true if the field has changed, false if not. May return an error if this is the first time this reference is added in the database. Parameters: Db - Dolibarr DB object $refid - ID of the current object $ref - Table element $fieldname - Database field name to check |
Function | Description |
d_message($db, $modulename, $message) |
Write a message to the module's message area. Parameters: Db - Dolibarr DB object message - Message to provide (filter with $db->escape() if needed) modulename - Name of the section in the message overview |
Fast MySQL/Mail Object and Integration of JS Functions
Function | Description |
x_c_mysql() |
Create a quick xMysql object without credentials. |
x_c_mail($host, $port, $auth, $user, $pass, $from_name, $from_mail) |
Create a quick xMailer object. Parameters: host - Mail server host port - Mail server port (25/587/465) auth - Authentication method (tls/ssl/false) user - Username pass - Password from_name - Sender name from_mail - Sender email address |
x_l_js() |
Load content of JavaScript functions for JS files. |