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Bugfish Dolibarr Module [934285]

Seamlessly integrate the Bugfish Framework into Dolibarr for enhanced development and debugging.


This module integrates the Bugfish Framework into Dolibarr, providing additional functions, development tools, and useful coding and logging features. Key features include:

  • Interception of MySQL and JavaScript errors
  • A fully functional changelog for different internal areas
  • Messaging capabilities for various modules (for developers)

Manual Upgrade

To update the Bugfish Framework to a newer version, follow these steps:

  1. Download the Latest Version
  2. Visit the Bugfish Framework GitHub repository and download the latest version.

  3. Move Files to the Correct Directory

  4. Extract the downloaded files and move the contents from the _framework folder to the xframework/remote folder of your Dolibarr installation. Overwrite any existing files if prompted.

  5. Update Files on Your Server

  6. If updating directly on your server, replace the old files with the new ones. Alternatively, you can create a new zip file of the updated framework and push it to the repository.


Below is a list of some module functionalities explained!

Trigger and Object Logging

Triggers and object information related to those triggers are intercepted and can be viewed in the Triggers section under Utilities in the xFramework menu item.

Javascript Error Logging

JavaScript errors caused by users can be viewed in the log under Utilities -> xFramework -> JavaScript Logging.

MySQL Error Logging

Only logging queries used with x_class_mysql are supported.

MySQL error messages that arise when using the x_class_mysql can be viewed in the section under Utilities in the menu item xFramework.


The following areas are intercepted: facture, bank_account, facture_fourn, commande, propal, user, societe, product, orderpicking, expedition, supplier_proposal, commande_fournisseur, fichinter [These are the $ref]. Changes to the respective areas can be viewed under Utilities -> xFramework -> Process logs if you have the respective rights. The following fields are ignored: tms, rowid. Fields are marked with the following prefix for functions: mn [main table], xt [extrafield].

Functions Overview


Function Name Description
m_month_num_to_name($number) Return Month Name or Error if Wrong (input number 1-12 to get German month name)
m_isset($var) If var is Empty or "" then false
m_login_name_from_id($db, $userid) Get the current name of User by UserID, if error then false
m_login_id($db, $tmp = false) Get the current rowID of logged in User, if error then false


Function Name Description
m_button_sql($db, $name, $url, $query, $get, $break = false, $style = "") Add a Button to Execute a Simple SQL! $msgerr = "Fehler!", $msgok = "Erfolgreich!" Function
m_button_link($name, $url, $break = false, $style, $reacttourl = true) Add a Default Button Linked to another Page


Function Name Description
m_table_simple($title, $array, $titlelist, $tableid, $alignarray = false, $imgeforlist = 'generic') Print a Simple Table
m_table_complex($title, $array, $titlelist, $formid = "", $alignarray = false, $imgeforlist = "generic") Print a Complex Table with Search


Function Name Description
m_db_rowsbycleanresult($db, $sql_res) Get Array by providing a finished result
m_db_row($db, $query) Get a Single Array with $array["fieldname"] = $value back
m_db_row_insert($db, $table, $array, $filter = true) Insert into a Database with array ["fieldname"] = $value
m_db_rows($db, $query) Get a Multiple Array with $arrayCOUNT = $value back


Function Name Description
__construct($db, $tabletitle, $tableid = "") Initialize with Dolibarr DB Object, Table Title, and optional unique id
addColumn($field_name, $view_name, $style = "", $enabled = true, $search = true, $sort = true, $sqlexec = false, $orderexec = false) Add a column with various attributes like field name, view name, and optional SQL execution details
init($query, $default_limit = 50, $default_sort_order = "DESC", $default_sort_field = "rowid", $default_page = 1, $conf_paramsadd = "") Initialize table with SQL query, default settings for limit, sort order, and page
prepareArray() Returns Array with fetched data from pre-used functions
printTable($array, $tableimage = "", $cursiteurl = false, $hidelimit = 0, $hidetools = 0, $morecss = "", $nosuggestlstofpages = 1, $extraparam = array()) Print a table with various display options and extra parameters

Data Triggers

Function Description
d_get_change($db, $refid, $ref, $fieldname) Get Array with x[from] and x[to], or false if error. This function checks changes for a specific database field.
Db - Dolibarr DB object
$refid - ID of the current object
$ref - Table element
$fieldname - Database field name to check
d_is_change($db, $refid, $ref, $fieldname) Returns true if the field has changed, false if not. May return an error if this is the first time this reference is added in the database.
Db - Dolibarr DB object
$refid - ID of the current object
$ref - Table element
$fieldname - Database field name to check


Function Description
d_message($db, $modulename, $message) Write a message to the module's message area.
Db - Dolibarr DB object
message - Message to provide (filter with $db->escape() if needed)
modulename - Name of the section in the message overview

Fast MySQL/Mail Object and Integration of JS Functions

Function Description
x_c_mysql() Create a quick xMysql object without credentials.
x_c_mail($host, $port, $auth, $user, $pass, $from_name, $from_mail) Create a quick xMailer object.
host - Mail server host
port - Mail server port (25/587/465)
auth - Authentication method (tls/ssl/false)
user - Username
pass - Password
from_name - Sender name
from_mail - Sender email address
x_l_js() Load content of JavaScript functions for JS files.


Name Default Activated Description
readchangelogs No View Change Logging
readtriggers No View Trigger Logging
readjs No View Javascript Logging
readmysql No View MySQL Logging
readmsg No View Messages Logging


Visit the Tutorials Page for a collection of step-by-step guides that will help you get the most out of the project. These tutorials cover everything from installation to advanced functionality.


The Downloads Section provides all the necessary files to get started with the project, including the latest software versions and any related resources.


Follow the clear and detailed instructions in our Installation Guide to set up the project. This guide will help you get everything running smoothly on your system.


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