I am excited that you're considering contributing to our project! Here are some guidelines to help you get started.
How to Contribute
- Fork the repository to create your own copy.
- Create a new branch for your work (e.g.,
). - Make your changes and ensure they work as expected.
- Run tests to confirm everything is functioning correctly.
- Commit your changes with a clear, concise message.
- Push your branch to your forked repository.
- Submit a pull request with a detailed description of your changes.
- Reference any related issues or discussions in your pull request.
Coding Style
- Keep your code clean and well-organized.
- Add comments to explain complex logic or functions.
- Use meaningful and consistent variable and function names.
- Break down code into smaller, reusable functions and components.
- Follow proper indentation and formatting practices.
- Avoid code duplication by reusing existing functions or modules.
- Ensure your code is easily readable and maintainable by others.
If you encounter a bug or have an enhancement suggestion, please check the "Issues" section of our GitHub repository or visit our official website for guidance before beginning any work on it.