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Software Installation Guide

General Information

Before deploying the software, review the configuration/settings file for your instance. Ensure that the settings.php file is correctly configured. While this software has been successfully used in many production environments, there are no absolute guarantees.

This software has been tested on Ubuntu and Debian systems, though it may work on other systems that have not been tested. If using a system other than Debian or Ubuntu, you might need to adjust deeper settings within the settings.php file. This software is optimized for Debian/Ubuntu with Apache and PHP 8. Below are the requirements and installation steps to follow:


To ensure smooth operation of the web software alongside Dovecot for managing mail SSL certificates, the following requirements must be met:

Server Dependencies

  • Root permissions for cronjobs on the system.
  • Dovecot: Ensure that Dovecot is installed and properly configured on your server.
  • OpenSSL: Required for handling SSL/TLS certificates.
  • Postfix (or an equivalent MTA): For handling outgoing mail.
  • Web Server: Apache, Nginx, or any compatible server for hosting the web software.
  • MySQL database: Connection and user credentials (configured in settings.php).

Apache Requirements

  • Apache2 web server with PHP 7/8 support.
  • Apache2 modules: rewrite.

PHP Requirements

  • PHP Version: 8.X
  • PHP modules: mysqli, curl, intl, mbstring, gd.

System Requirements

  • Operating System: Linux-based OS (e.g., Ubuntu, CentOS, Debian) is recommended.
  • RAM: Minimum of 1GB.
  • Disk Space: At least 10GB of free space for logs, emails, and software.

Installation Procedure

  1. Upload Files: Upload the files from the "source" directory of this repository to your web space.
  2. Configure Settings: Check the settings.sample.php file and make the necessary changes. Set your MySQL login credentials in the settings.php file.
  3. Rename Configuration File: Rename settings.sample.php to settings.php.
  4. Automatic SQL Tables: The software will automatically create any required SQL tables when the website is first opened. An initial user will be created, and login credentials will be provided at the end of this guide.
  5. Setup Cronjob: Configure the cronjob as described below. Without it, Dovecot configuration will not be written.
  6. Edit Dovecot Configuration: It is crucial to modify the dovecot.conf file as described in the documentation below.

Initial Setup

After uploading the project files to the server (outside of the source directory), modify the settings.sample.php file as needed and rename it to settings.php. This step is mandatory to ensure the software functions correctly, as valid MySQL user data is required.

Configuration Settings

Below is a list of settings you can configure in the settings.php file:

Constant Description
_TITLE_ Set the website title, which will be shown in your browser tab.
_IMPRESSUM_ Link to your impressum page, accessible from the footer.
_SQL_HOST_ SQL Database Host.
_SQL_USER_ SQL Database User.
_SQL_PASS_ SQL Database Password.
_SQL_DB_ SQL Database name.
_IP_BLACKLIST_DAILY_OP_LIMIT_ IP blacklist limit for blocking IPs (default is 1000). Reset daily if the cronjob daily.php is executed.
_CSRF_VALID_LIMIT_TIME_ Validity period of a CSRF key for form validation (default is 1000 seconds).
_MYSQL_LOGGING_ Set to "true" to enable MySQL logging and the debug area in the web interface. Set to "false" to disable.
_COOKIES_ Cookie prefix. No need to change unless you are familiar with the implications.
_CRON_DOVECOT_FILE_ Path to the Dovecot configuration file for SSL certificate/domain settings. Include this in dovecot.conf.
_CRON_ISP_FOLDER_SEARCH_ Path for fetching subfolder names from ISPConfig (only needed if using ISPConfig).

Cronjob Setup

To ensure the software operates correctly, configure the following cronjobs:

Mandatory Cronjobs

Command Interval Description
_webroot_/_cronjob/daily.php Daily Resets blacklisted IPs (optional but recommended).
_webroot_/_cronjob/sync.php X Executes all domain and Dovecot related operations. Recommended interval: hourly. This is mandatory.

Optional ISP Config Domain Fetch Cronjob

Command Interval Description
_webroot_/_cronjob/ispconfig_fetch.php X Fetches SSL certificates and domains from ISPConfig webroot folders. Only needed if using ISPConfig.

Edit Dovecot Configuration

Important: Modify the dovecot.conf file to make the script work. Add the following line to the end of the file:

!include_try dci.certs.conf

Initial Login

After successfully deploying the software, log in with the following credentials:

  • Username: admin
  • Password: changeme

Important: Change the initial password after the first successful login.